Saturn In Scorpio 2012/13/14 – Deep Transformation of Last 30 Years!

WHERE WERE YOU IN LATE 1982 and ALL of 83/84

By Maria Francesca Triliegi


Humanity is about to experience a very powerful, somewhat intense and hopefully transformational astrological transit.  Saturn will make its way to the sign of Scorpio on October 5, 2012 and remain there until Mid-December 2014.  It will also retrograde back for three months from June to September of 2015.  Saturn has a 30 year cycle and brings lessons and challenges.  One cycle is ending and another is beginning. Saturn was last in the sign of Scorpio in the early 1980’s, considered to be a significant time of change on the planet.

So, a person, may ask, what does this Saturn cycle mean for  man and woman alike?

Saturn in the sign of Scorpio is going to bring a  gigantic and vast opportunity to finally and for always let go, transform and/or reinvent any and all aspects of our lives.   What this means is to finally be able to let go, with love,  those troublesome areas that could include certain relationships as well as career decisions, health issues and what we believe deep down inside about who we are.  There will be plenty of opportunitys to erase those memories of the past that are interfering or debilitating our ability to live in peace in the present.  It is also a chance to create the better future we know in our hearts that we deserve.

Change is in the air.  It is important that we embrace the inevitable that the past is past and transformation is mandated as  Scorpio is the sign that governs deep transformation through death of old ways of being.

People are going to experience this transit in the areas that they are the most rigid.  A person will  need to review and decide which memories are worthy of retaining.  Some of the old stories people have told about who they were and how those memories are still influencing who they are must change.  The dynamics going back to 1982/83/84 need to be updated and even completely recreated for some.  Certainly there will be fear in jumping into the abyss or the unknown and yet doing this will bring a clarity that cannot be denied.  This transit will happen.

Wherever you feel stuck in an old way of being is where you need to do this important work.  In these 30 past years, who have you become?  What decisions did you make back then that are now creating a way of being that makes no sense for where you are in your life?

How you get there is up to you.  Therapy is recommended as well as researching and redefining some areas of your sacred astrological blueprint.

Saturn is the planet that is considered to be our astrological teacher. It brings restrictions and lessons and also challenges.  A Saturn transit will show us what those lessons are by bringing us first the awareness then the situations and circumstances necessary to learn those lessons.  And by the way, there are always rewards that follow graduation from Saturn school.

Saturn has been transiting through the sign of Libra since late October, 2009.  It is finishing up its stay in this sign as we speak.  Libra governs all of our close relationships from marriage and loved ones to those “special” close business partnerships.  Many of these important relationships have gone through the “wringer” to determine their staying power.  We are now coming out the other side.  Every person has the opportunity to evaluate old relationships and create new ones.  Either with the same people or finding new partners with different outlooks.

As Saturn makes its way to Scorpio for the first time in 30 years people can expect to learn new lessons.  Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto (King of the Underworld).  Pluto transforms energy to the bare bones.  It is considered to be expressed much like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the old with a new vision.  This can be done with the deep transformations necessary to create this new vision.  On the one hand, Scorpios are fearless.  They are compassionate, loving, dedicated and very powerful beings.  On the other hand,  Scorpio is a bit of a “control” freak wanting to hold on so tight,  it is like having a choke hold on life.  This transit will allow Scorpios to let go.  Imagine a bungee jump as a great way to confront whatever the fear is of losing control.  A new kind of trust will emerge.  Not only for Scorpios.  For everyone.

In order for this transit to profit your life it will be important to take an honest inventory of everything you have going today.  Where are you spiritually, emotionally, financially and physically?  What is the health picture of all of these areas?  What can you do in the next 24 months to improve?  Also to note that wherever Scorpio is located in your sacred astrology blueprint is where you will experience the most energy from this powerful transit.

If a person is between 28 and 30 years of age they will be experiencing what is known to be their first Saturn return.  This is when a person will realize what the first 28 years of life have been about.  It will be a time of moving forward without all of the restrictions that may have been placed on us by parents and whoever was in control in early childhood.  This is when we truly become an adult.

If a person is between 58 and 60 years of age they will be experiencing what is known as the second Saturn return.  This is when we realize that we have lived almost two-thirds of a lifetime.  Entering the zone where hopefully one will gain the rewards for work well done.  If there are areas of concern still causing discomfort or unwise friction, a person may find those areas to be intolerable.  It is going to take first and foremost a huge shift in consciousness and then some really potent actions to support a new vision as one enters this next phase.

It is vital that each one of us be clear as to what it is going to take to live a purposeful life.  We are realizing that we truly are spiritual beings in human form.  When we consciously and responsibly move through our daily lives with a sense of belonging we contribute to the wellness of our planet and the entire solar system.  We are becoming more  empathetic which means that what we do and how we think will somehow and somewhere make a difference for good or not.   This is why we need to grow our consciousness and realize that we are all connected globally as well as universally.  It is a very exciting time to be on planet earth as we are all a part of the seeding of a more loving and caring human experience.

Actions to consider:

Learning to let go of the old to make room for the new
Searching for deeper meaning and powerful knowledge that resonates with who we are
Uncovering hidden activities and inside information
Exploring deep emotional issues especially regarding loss, transformation and sexuality
Becoming realistically responsible about your limits
Working practically and conscientiously on your transformation experience
Allowing oneself to receive the rewards for previous efforts

I am offering “SATURN IN SCORPIO” READINGS to support your transformation.   I will send along a questionnaire for you to fill out and return and my insights will arrive via email within three days. 

As always if I do not have your natal chart you will need to get me your birth vitals.  Birth date, exact time and city and state.

Cost is $66.00 – Payment made at Send directly to

Watch for my new powerful exciting  workshop “Reclaim Your Life by Rewriting Your Story”. Details to follow.  (If you are not able to attend, it will also be available as an E-workshop at a later date.)

I wish for you a powerful and purposeful transformation experience.


Maria Francesca Triliegi

About Maria at Spirit*Mind*Bodyworks

Astrology Coach and Holistic Consultant. Educator and Retreat Leader. Writer, painter, yoga teacher.
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5 Responses to Saturn In Scorpio 2012/13/14 – Deep Transformation of Last 30 Years!

  1. Iola Reneau says:

    Hello Maria,

    I found this information very interesting and honestly I  was not doing to well between 82-84, but I changed my life with a lot of help from GOD.

    I would love to receive a “Scorpio in Saturn” Reading.

    My Birth Info:

    Oct 19, 1962 3:03 am Phoenix Arizona

    I currently live in Bakersfield Ca. Not sure if that matters…

    thank you iola reneau


  2. Lee says:

    I found your information regarding Saturn and it’s return very interesting. Born 11/5/53 9:28 PM in the years 82-84 I had met my 2nd childs father and she was born. In the last 10 years I have somehow lost that closeness I once had with her do to many challenges I was confronted with. She has evolved into a beautiful mother herself but has little to know regard for me. I thought my time as a grandmother would somehow be so much different. On another note, I have been feeling stronger this last year and feel there is still time to recover what was lost. The second return of saturn gives me hope. Thank you for re enforceing what I felt was still possible.

    • Good Morning Lee,

      Thank you for your feedback on my Saturn article. As you are a Scorpio and your Saturn is in Scorpio this return of
      Saturn will be very auspicious for you. I have offered a Saturn in Scorpio reading.

      Let me know if you are interested and I will send you further information.

      You can email me directly at

      Maria Francesca

  3. michelle says:

    You should have a like share button on facebook… Thank you! You have a lovly way of explaining things 🙂

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